Setting 1: alarm, Setting 2: digital out only – Yaskawa iQpump1000 AC Drive Quick Start User Manual

Page 226

background image

Lo w F eedba ck D etection

Standa rd Acting PID (b5-09 = 0)

Ou tpu t

F requen cy

Au to R un

C omm an d


F eedba ck

“Lo w F eedba ck

Lo w F B Sen sed ”

Alarm & Lo w

F eedba ck D igital

Ou tpu t (H 2-0x = 97)

“LF B – Lo w

F eedba ck” F au lt

D uring

Pre-C ha rge


Lo w LVL F lt T m


Lo w LVL F lt T m


Lo w LVL F lt T m

P1-08 – Lo w F B Le vel

Lo w F eedba ck Se l = F au lt (P 1-10 = 0)


Figure 4.41 Low Feedback Detection Standard PID

Lo w F eedba ck D etection

Inverse PID (b5-09 = 1)

Ou tpu t

F requen cy

Au to R un

C omm an d


F eedba ck

“Lo w F eedba ck

Lo w F B Sen sed ”

Alarm & D igital

Ou tpu t (H 2-0x = 97)

“LF B – Lo w

F eedba ck” F au lt

D uring

Pre-C ha rge


Lo w LVL F lt T m

P1-08 – Lo w F B Le vel

Lo w F eedba ck Se l = F au lt (P 1-10 = 0)


Lo w LVL F lt T m


Lo w LVL F lt T m


Figure 4.42 Low Feedback Detection Inverse PID

Setting 1: Alarm

When feedback drops below the P1-08 level for longer than the time set in P1-09, the digital output programmed to “Low

Feedback” (H2-0o = 97) closes and the drive displays the “Low Feedback – Low FB Sensed” alarm.
When feedback rises above the level determined by P1-08 and P1-14, or when one or more of the conditions that enable low

feedback detection are no longer true, the digital output will open and the alarm will clear.

Setting 2: Digital out only

When feedback drops below the P1-08 level for longer than the time set in P1-09, the digital output programmed to “Low

Feedback” (H2-0o = 97) closes.
When feedback rises above the level determined by P1-08 and P1-14, or when one or more of the conditions that enable low

feedback detection are no longer true, the digital output will open.

4.6 Basic iQpump Setup and Application Preset Parameters


YASKAWA TOEP YAIP1W 01B YASKAWA AC Drive - iQpump1000 Quick Start Guide