Yaskawa iQpump1000 AC Drive Quick Start User Manual
Page 378

LCD Display
(0CCF) Shutdown Pump Delta
Shdn Pump D-Lvl
Sets the level used for the multiplex pumping operation.
Parameter is active only when P3-02 is set to 1 or 2.
When P3-02 is set to 1, the last pump that was brought online
will be shut down by opening the dedicated mult-function
discrete output (H2-0o = 80 to 84) when the delta feedback
(feedback minus setpoint) has exceeded the level programmed
in this parameter for the time set in P3-09.
When the P3-02 is set to 2, the last pump that was brought online
will be shut down by opening the dedicated multi-function
discrete output (H2-0o = 80 to 84) when the output frequency
drops below the level programmed in P3-50, P3-60, P3-70,
P3-80, or P3-90 and the delta feedback (feedback minus
setpoint) has exceeded the level set in this parameter for the time
set in P3-09.
Programming this parameter too close to the
system setpoint may cause the pump system to
cycle excessively.
Default: 0.0 PSI
Min.: 0.0
Max.: 6000.0
(0CD0) Shutdown Pump Delay
Shdn Pump Dly Tm
Sets the delay time before one of the additional line pumps is
shut down.
Default: 5 s
Min.: 0
Max.: 3600
(0CD1) Setpoint Boost
Maximum at De-Stage MaxBoost@DeStage
Sets the maximum amount of boost that can be added to the
setpoint after a de-stage occurs.
Setting this parameter to 0.0 disables the function.
Default: 0.0 PSI
Min.: -20.0
Max.: 20.0
(0CD2) Setpoint Boost after De-
Stage Time
SP Boost Time
Sets the amount of time that the setpoint will remain boosted
after lag pump is de-staged.
Default: 5.0 s
Min.: 0.0
Max.: 60.0
Multi Pump Setpoint
Increase during
MP Setpoint Inc
Sets the system setpoint increase each time a new pump is
brought online.
Pump 1: Setpoint
Pump 1 + 2: Setpoint + P3-12
Pump 1 + 2 + 3: Setpoint + 2 x P3-12
Default: 0.0 PSI
Min.: 0.0
Max.: 6000.0
Multi Pump Setpoint
Decrease during
MP Setpoint Dec
Sets the system setpoint decrease each time a new pump is
brought online.
Pump 1: Setpoint
Pump 1 + 2: Setpoint - P3-13
Pump 1 + 2 + 3: Setpoint - 2 x P3-13
Default: 0.0 PSI
Min.: 0.0
Max.: 6000.0
(0CD5) Multiplex Stabilization
M-Stabilize Time
Sets the time used to stabilize the system when a pump is added
or shut down during multiplex operation.
When a pump is added, the stabilize timer temporarily disables
the lead/lag functionality for the programmed time to prevent
pump cycling.
Function is active in contactor multiplex mode (P1-01 = 1).
Time pump protection and lead/lag control is suspended during
stabilization time.
Default: 2 s
Min.: 0
Max.: 3600
High Feedback Quick
High FB De-stage
Sets the High Feedback level that will trigger a quick de-stage.
The quick de-stage uses an internal 2 sec delay.
A setting of 0 disables this feature.
Default: 0.0 PSI
Min.: 0.0
Max.: 6000.0
Low Feedback Quick
Low FB De-stage
Sets the Low Feedback level that will trigger a quick de-stage.
The quick de-stage uses an internal 2 sec delay.
A setting of 0 disables this feature.
Default: 0.0 PSI
Min.: 0.0
Max.: 6000.0
(0CE5) Stage Selection Mode
Stage Sel Mode
0: Sequential
1: Stop History
Sets the method of staging for the pumps.
0: Sequential
1: Stop history
Default: 0
Range: 0, 1
De-Stage Selection
Destage Sel Mode
0: LastInFirstOut
1: FirstInFirstOut
Sets the method for removing contactor pumps.
0: Last in, first out (LIFO)
1: First in, first out (FIFO)
Default: 0
Range: 0, 1
B.11 P: Pump Parameters
YASKAWA TOEP YAIP1W 01B YASKAWA AC Drive - iQpump1000 Quick Start Guide