Yaskawa iQpump1000 AC Drive Quick Start User Manual

Page 183

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Set Wake Level in parameter Q4-06. When the well level has reached this level (in feet) and the on-delay timer set

in Q4-07 expires, the drive will automatically start running again. Set this level should to a value greater than Q4-03

(Maintain Level) so the drive will automatically go to pressure regulation mode.


Set the Minimum Pump Speed while in Level Control in parameter Q4-08 Set this speed at a level which ensures that

the pump is moving water out of the well. If it is set to a speed where no water is moving, the PI regulator may not

drive the well level to the sleep level and cause damage to the pump or motor. This speed is only used in Level Control

Mode but the actual minimum speed in Level Mode will be the greater value between P1-06 (minimum pump

frequency) and P4-05 (thrust frequency). If Q4-08 is set higher than P1-06 and P4-05, it will only be used while the

drive is in Level Control Mode.


Set Low Level Detection Value in Parameter Q4-09 and program the drive response in Q4-11 This is the level (in feet)

at which you do not want the pump to run at because below this level there is a danger dry running. Generally this

level is a fail safe level and if reached you would likely want the drive to fault out and stop running immediately. This

can also activate the drive fault contacts, which can be used for auxiliary notification such as a horn or external warning

light. In Q4-11 the drive can be programmed for one of four responses 0. No Response, 1. Alarm Only, 2. Fault 3.

Time Delay. Default is Alarm Only. Note: option 3 is controlled by parameters Q4-12 (timer) and L5-01 > 0 (fault auto-



Verify Settings and Well Level in Monitor U1-97 By using monitor U1-97 (displayed in feet) without the pump running

you should see the well level displayed and can note it down. Then press the Auto button to start the drive in pressure

regulation mode. This assumes all other parameters for pressure regulation have been set up prior to this step. Once

the setpoint pressure has been reached check U1-97 and note the level. Depending on the recharge rate of the well

this value will be lower than the level without the pump running by some amount. This can give you an idea of the

well’s recharge rate at the current demand. It will give you an idea if the other levels you have set are appropriate.

The level should be checked periodically over the season of operation to check level variations related to times of the


Related Parameters


Parameter Name

Setting Values


Terminal A1 Signal Level Selection

Default: 0

Range: 0 to 3


Terminal A1 Function Selection

Default: 0

Range: 0 to 32


Number of Auto Restart Attempts

Default: 5

Min.: 0

Max.: 10


Minimum Pump Speed

Default: 40.0 Hz

Min.: 0.0

Max.: [E1-04]


Pre-Charge Loss of Prime Level

Default: 0.0 A

Min.: 0.0

Max.: 1000.0


PID Controller Setpoint 1

Default: 0.0

Min.: 0.0

Max.: 6000.0


Water Level Selection

Default: 0

Range: 0, 1


Water Level Scaling

Default: 100 PSI

Min.: 5

Max.: 500


Water Level Setpoint

Default: 20.0 ft

Min.: 0.0

Max.: 1200.0


Minimum Water Level

Default: 10.0 ft

Min.: 0.0

Max.: 1200.0


Water Level Sleep Delay Time

Default: 5 s

Min.: 0

Max.: 3600

4.5 iQpump Presets and Functions

YASKAWA TOEP YAIP1W 01B YASKAWA AC Drive - iQpump1000 Quick Start Guide



Start-Up Programming & Operation