8 pc nc alarms not indicated by alarm numbers – Yaskawa Yasnac PC NC User Manual

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YASNAC PC NC Operating Manual

Chapter 4: Maintenance

4 - 26

(10)Edit Operation is Impossible

(a) The edit lock signal is input.

Check I/O monitor #3007 D2.

Normal: #3007 D2 = 0

If “#3007 D2 = 1”, program edit is impossible.

(b) Edit lock is set by the parameter (pm0000 D7).

Set “pm0000 D7 = 0” to cancel the edit lock setting.

(c) Others

The corresponding alarm message is displayed.




Delete unnecessary programs and edit the program again.

(11)Skip Function (G31) Failure

The skip signal has not been input.

Check ON/OFF status of the skip signals by checking the I/O monitor #3514 D0 to D2.

Check the operation of proximity switches, etc.


PC NC Alarms Not Indicated By Alarm Numbers

(1) Fuse F1 blown on JZNC-JFC 10 card of CPU Rack.

When the 0.3 A F1 Fuse is blown on the JFC 10 card, “3002 Emergency stop” Alarm on CNC

In the diagnostic, when the # 3500 bit 2 * ESPS signal is ON, and the “3002 Emergency stop”
alarm still occurs on the PC NC Status bar, check the 0.3 A F1 Fuse on the JFC 10 card.

(2) Fuse F2 blown on JZNC-JFC 10 card of CPU Rack.

When the 5A F2 Fuse is blown on the JFC 10 card, “3001 Servo Alarm and 3002 Emergency
stop” alarms occur. Check the LED D4, just above CN04 Connector of the JFC 10 card of
CPU Rack. If this LED is not lit, then F2 Fuse has blown. Replace the fuse.

(3) When the Servo ON and Shut Down button connections are not connected or are wrongly


When the Servo ON and Shut Down buttons are not connected to the CN12 Connector, or are
wrongly connected, “3002 Emergency stop and 3001 Servo alarms” is displayed on the PC
NC. Check that the Servo ON and Shut Down buttons are properly connected to the CN12

Note: When the fuse F1 or F2 are blown, replace with the same type of fuse.