H3C Technologies H3C S12500 Series Switches User Manual

Page 91

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[Sysname] local-user abc

[Sysname-luser-abc] password simple abc

[Sysname-luser-abc] authorization-attribute level 3

[Sysname-luser-abc] authorization-attribute work-directory flash:/

To access a standby MPU of the IRF fabric (suppose that the member ID and slot number of the

member device where the standby MPU resides are 2 and 1 respectively), replace flash:/ with
chassis2#slot1#flash:/ in authorization-attribute work-directory flash:/.

[Sysname-luser-abc] service-type ftp

[Sysname-luser-abc] quit

# Enable FTP server.

[Sysname] ftp server enable

[Sysname] quit


Configure the PC (FTP client):
# Log in to the FTP server through FTP.

c:\> ftp

Connected to

220 FTP service ready.


331 Password required for abc.


230 User logged in.

# Download the configuration file config.cfg of the IRF fabric to the PC for backup.

ftp> get config.cfg back-config.cfg

# Upload the configuration file newest.bin to the root directory of the storage medium on the active

MPU of the IRF fabric.

ftp> put newest.bin

200 Port command okay.

150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /newest.bin.

226 Transfer complete.

ftp> bye

221 Server closing.



This FTP procedure also applies to upgrading configuration files.

After you finish transferring the Boot ROM image through FTP, execute the bootrom upgrade
command to upgrade the BootROM.


Upgrade the IRF fabric:
# Copy the system software image file newest.bin from the PC to the Flash root directories of the
IRF fabric's standby MPUs. (Suppose the IRF fabric has three standby MPUs: one in slot 1 of
member device 1, one in slot 0 of member device 2, and one in slot 1 of member device 2.)

copy newest.bin chassis1#slot1#flash:/

copy newest.bin chassis2#slot0#flash:/

copy newest.bin chassis2#slot1#flash:/