H3C Technologies H3C S12500 Series Switches User Manual

Page 234

background image


| '-' = Go to previous field. |

| Ctrl+D = Quit. |


Protocol (FTP or TFTP) :TFTP

Load File Name :bootware


Target File Name :bootware


Server IP Address :

Local IP Address :

Gateway IP Address :

After you complete the modification, the Ethernet submenu appears again.


|Note:the operating device is cfa0 |

|<1> Download Application Program To SDRAM And Run |

|<2> Update Main Application File |

|<3> Update Backup Application File |

|<4> Update Secure Application File |

|<5> Update User Private File |

|<6> Modify Ethernet Parameter |

|<0> Exit To Main Menu |

| |


Enter your choice(0-6):2


In the Ethernet submenu, enter 2 to download the specified image file to the device.






47979456 bytes downloaded!

Updating File cfa0:/test.bin..............................................






After the file transfer is complete, the Ethernet submenu appears again. You can choose other
options as required.

Using FTP to upgrade system software through the Ethernet

In this example, the device acts as the FTP client.


Connect the device to the intended FTP server through the device's management Ethernet interface
and obtain the IP address of the intended TFTP server. Connect your terminal to the device's

console port.