NewTek TriCaster Studio User Manual
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Remove any transition by selecting it with the mouse and clicking the Remove button. Add a
transition by clicking the Add button, or double-click in any empty well in one of the 5 tabbed
Transition Banks to pop up a file requester.
The file requester presents you with several folders, each containing different transition
categories. Double-clicking the folder shows the transitions available, with icons representing
their behavior. Shift-click (or Ctrl-click) to choose several, and drag them to a Transitions bin.
Figure 54
At the top of the Transition panel is a status line (Figure 54) showing the current Bank and
Transition #, the transition name, and – at right – a combination progress bar and Ready light.
Some more elaborate transitions can take a moment or two to pre-load. The progress bar, when
fully illuminated, indicates that the transition is now ready for use (during loading, its label will
indicate “Loading”.)
Along the bottom of the panel are additional options: Advance tells TriCaster to auto-advance to
the next transition in turn when the current one completes. When it reaches the final transition,
it cycles back to the beginning of the list. The Reverse option changes the behavior of the
transition (a fly-in trajectory will fly out instead with Reverse selected.) There are also buttons to
Add or Remove transitions from the bin.
Hint: The speed of the video effect is set by the “S, M, F” buttons beneath the first column of
Transitions. The Slow, Medium and Fast options correspond to ½ second, 1 second and 2 seconds
Keystroke Shortcuts
Access favorite transitions quickly and easily with two successive strokes of the keyboard number
pad. The first keystroke (between 1 and 5) selects the Transition Bank. The next key (between 1
and 0) selects a specific transition. (For example, pressing 1-1 (the number pad key 1, twice) pre-
selects the Crossfade. Pressing 3-0 would preset the last transition in the third Transition Bank.
(NumLock required)