Artesyn ATCA-7350 Installation and Use (September 2014) User Manual

Page 107

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System Management

ATCA-7350 Installation and Use (6806800G59G)


For example, to set the IP address of channel 1, do as follows:

On Artesyn shelf manager, run the following command:

ipmicmd -k "0 90 0 0c 01 01 03 ac 11 0a 4e" smi 0

In the Linux OS, run the following command:

ipmicmd -k "f 0 0c 01 01 03 ac 11 0a 4e" smi 0

The data except the identity bytes is the same. The identity byte "f" is the KCS address and "0" is
the logical unit number.

BIOS Configuration (Optional)

Access the BIOS of the ATCA-7350 and set the system serial baud rate to 9600-115200.

Configure the BIOS of the ATCA-7350 as follows:

1. When the blade starts booting, press from HyperTerminal (or an equivalent

terminal program) to enter the BIOS setup menu.

2. Choose the Advanced menu.

3. Choose Configure Remote Access menu.

1. Change the Remote Access to "Enabled".

2. Change the Flow Control parameter to "None".

3. Change Serial Port Mode to the 9600-115200 baud rate if it is not already set to

that speed.

By default, remote access to the BIOS is enabled and the baud rate is set to 9600. The
following BIOS configurations are optional.