Import photos from iphoto (mac os), Import photos from other catalogs, Import photos from a different lightroom catalog – Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC User Manual

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Importing photos

Last updated 4/20/2015

Import photos from iPhoto (Mac OS)

To import photos from iPhoto into Lightroom, first you have to help Lightroom find the original photos, which are
hidden in a package file. Then, you can copy or add the photos to a Lightroom catalog just like you would import any
other photos from a folder on your computer.


These instructions are for iPhoto '11 version 9.2.


In the Finder, navigate to your iPhoto package file. By default, it's located in /Users/[user name]/Pictures, and it's
called iPhoto Library.


Control-click the iPhoto Library file and choose Show Package Contents.

A Finder window opens that shows the contents of the package file. The Masters folder contains all of the photos
that are in iPhoto. However, Lightroom cannot access this folder.


Control-click the folder named Masters and choose Duplicate.


Drag the folder named "Masters copy" from the iPhoto Library Finder window to your Desktop.

Lightroom can see this folder.


Open Lightroom and drag the Masters copy folder into the Grid view of the Library module.

The import window opens, with your iPhoto files selected in the preview area. By default, Lightroom wants to Add
these photos to your catalog. Select Copy or Move, if preferred, and specify the destination folder and other options
in the panels on the right side of the import window.

More Help topics

Import photos from a folder on a hard drive

Specify import options

Import photos from other catalogs

Import photos from a different Lightroom catalog

When you import photos from a different Lightroom catalog into the current catalog, you can specify options to handle
new photos and photos that already appear in the current catalog.

Note: Catalogs from earlier versions of Lightroom, including public beta releases, must be opened and updated before they
can be imported into another catalog. See

Upgrade a catalog from an earlier version of Lightroom



Choose File > Import From Another Catalog.


Navigate to the catalog you want to import and click Open (Windows) or Choose (Mac OS).


Specify the photos to import:

• Under Catalog Contents, make sure the folders containing the photos to import are selected.

• To select or deselect individual photos, click Show Preview, and click the box in the upper-left corner of any

preview image. You can also choose Check All or Uncheck All.