Open photos as smart objects in photoshop, Open photos as layers in photoshop, Merge photos as panoramas in photoshop – Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC User Manual

Page 212: Merge photos to hdr in photoshop, Merge photos to hdr in, Photoshop, Merge photos to, Hdr in photoshop

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Last updated 4/20/2015

Note: When saving changes to JPEG, TIFF, and PSD images in Photoshop, make sure the filename and format are the
same as the copy or the original in Lightroom if you want the photo to be updated in the catalog.


Switch to Lightroom to see the edited photo in the catalog.

Note: When saving from Photoshop, be sure to turn on the Maximize Compatibility option so that Lightroom can read
the images. Photoshop CS3 and later automatically save PSD files from Lightroom with maximum compatibility.

Open photos as Smart Objects in Photoshop

Note: You must have Photoshop CS3 10.0.1 or later installed on your computer for this feature to be available. Instructions
are for Photoshop CS5.


In the Library or Develop module, select the photo you want to edit.


Choose Photo > Edit In > Open As Smart Object In Photoshop.


Edit the photo in Photoshop and then choose File > Save.

The newly saved photo is automatically added into the Lightroom catalog as a TIFF file.

Open photos as layers in Photoshop

Note: You must have Photoshop CS3 10.0.1 or later installed on your computer for this feature to be available. Instructions
are for Photoshop CS5.


In the Library or Develop module, select two or more photos to edit.


Choose Photo > Edit In > Open As Layers In Photoshop.

Photoshop opens the photos as one layered file.


Edit the image in Photoshop and then choose File > Save.

The newly saved photo is automatically added to the Lightroom catalog as a TIFF file.

Merge photos as panoramas in Photoshop

Note: You must have Photoshop CS3 10.0.1 or later installed on your computer for this feature to be available. Instructions
are for Photoshop CS5.


In the Library or Develop module, select two or more photos to merge to a panoramic image.


Choose Photo > Edit In > Merge To Panorama In Photoshop.


In the Photomerge dialog box, check your source photos and specify other options, and then click OK.

Photoshop merges the photos into a multi-layer image, adding layer masks to create optimal blending where the
photos overlap.


Edit the panorama as desired in Photoshop and then choose File > Save.

The saved panorama is automatically added to the Lightroom catalog as a TIFF file.

You can also learn how to assemble individual frames into a seamless photograph with a tutorial on

creating composite

panoramic images in Photoshop

(Sign-in required | Available to Creative Cloud paid subscribers only).

Merge photos to HDR in Photoshop

High dynamic range (HDR) images combine multiple photos captured at different exposures. HDR images allow you
to represent a wider and more realistic range of dark and bright regions of a scene in a single photo.

Learn how to assemble the individual frames of an HDR (high dynamic range) composition with a tutorial on creating

HDR images using Photoshop and Lightroom

(Sign-in required | Available to Creative Cloud paid subscribers only)