Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC User Manual

Page 44

background image



Last updated 4/20/2015

2. Open the Export dialog box.

Choose File > Export or click the Export button in the Library module. Then, choose Export To > Hard Drive in the
pop-up menu at the top of the Export dialog box.

To export to a Flash drive, choose Export To > Hard Drive, and in the Export Location panel, choose Export To >
Specific Folder. Then, click Choose and navigate to the Flash drive.

3. (Optional) Choose an export preset.

Lightroom has several presets to make it easier to export photos to disk in specific file formats. For example, the For
Email preset generates a 72-dpi JPEG image and automatically sends the email from Lightroom. If desired, select a
preset from the left side of the Export dialog box and skip to step 6. See

Export photos using presets


4. Specify export options.

Specify a destination folder, naming conventions, and other options in the various Export dialog box panels.

For example, use the File Settings panel to choose a format for your exported photos — JPEG, PDF, TIFF, DNG, or the
original format — and choose a color space. See

File Settings


In the Image Sizing panel, specify how to size the image — dimensions and resolution. See

Image Sizing


For information on settings in the other panels, see

Export files to disk or CD
