Vignette and grain effects, Apply a postcrop vignette – Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC User Manual
Page 179

Processing and developing photos
Last updated 4/20/2015
Under Transform, adjust any of the following:
Drag to the right to correct barrel distortion and straighten lines that bend away from the center. Drag
to the left to correct pincushion distortion and straighten lines that bend toward the center.
corrects perspective caused by tilting the camera up or down. Makes vertical lines appear parallel.
Corrects perspective caused by angling the camera left or right. Makes horizontal lines parallel.
Corrects for camera tilt. Uses the center of the original, uncropped photo as the axis of rotation.
Adjusts the image scale up or down. Helps to remove empty areas caused by perspective corrections and
distortions. Displays areas of the image that extend beyond the crop boundary.
Constrain crop
Constrains the crop to the image area so that gray border pixels are not included in the final photo.
Under Lens Vignetting adjust either or both of the following:
Move the Amount slider to the right (positive values) to lighten the corners of the photo. Move the slider
to the left (negative values) to darken the corners of the photo.
Drag the Midpoint slider to the left (lower value) to apply the Amount adjustment to a larger area away
from the corners. Drag the slider to the right (higher value) to restrict the adjustment to an area closer to the corners.
Vignette and grain effects
Apply a postcrop vignette
To apply a dark or light vignette for artistic effect to a photo, use the Post-Crop Vignetting options in the Effects panel.
A postcrop vignette can be applied to a cropped or uncropped photo.
Lightroom postcrop vignette styles adaptively adjust the exposure of the cropped image, preserving the original image
contrast and creating a more visually pleasing effect.
In the Post-Crop Vignetting area of the Effects panel of the Develop module, choose an option from the Style menu:
Highlight Priority
Enables highlight recovery but can lead to color shifts in darkened areas of a photo. Suitable for
photos with bright image areas such as clipped specular highlights.
Color Priority
Minimizes color shifts in darkened areas of a photo but cannot perform highlight recovery.
Paint Overlay
Mixes the cropped image values with black or white pixels. Can result in a flat appearance.
Adjust the sliders:
Negative values darken the corners of the photo. Positive values lighten the corners.
Lower values apply the Amount adjustment to a larger area away from the corners. Higher values restrict
the adjustment to an area closer to the corners.
Lower values make the vignette effect more oval. Higher values make the vignette effect more circular.
Lower values reduce softening between the vignette and the vignette’s surrounding pixels. Higher values
increase the softening.
(Highlight Priority and Color Priority only) Controls the degree of highlight contrast preserved when
Amount is negative. Suitable for photos with small highlights, such as candles and lamps.