Select tools and options, Create and apply develop presets, Preview and apply a develop preset – Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC User Manual

Page 154: Create and organize develop preset folders, Create a develop preset, Update a develop preset, Create, And apply develop presets

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Processing and developing photos

Last updated 4/20/2015

the other selected photos. Auto Sync adjusts other selected photos automatically after each slider is moved. Press Ctrl
(Windows) or Command (Mac OS) to turn the Sync button into the Auto Sync button.

Before and After views

The Before And After Views button in the toolbar offers four choices. You can arrange two

photo views side by side or top to bottom, display the whole photo in both views, or split the photo in two. Click the
Loupe View button to turn off Before and After views.

Copy settings

These three buttons let you copy and paste the current settings from the After view to the Before view,

from the Before view to the After view, or swap between the views. They appear in the toolbar when you have selected
the Before and After view in the Develop module.

Select tools and options

Click the tool or choose it from the Tools menu. To deselect a tool, click it, click Done, or select or a different tool.

Create and apply Develop presets

Presets provide a way to save a group of settings and apply them to other photos. Once you create and add a preset to
the Presets panel in the Develop module, it remains there until you delete it. It also appears in the list of Develop settings
that you can select it when you import photos.

Preview and apply a Develop preset

A set of default presets is listed in the Presets panel of the Develop module. Click the Lightroom Presets folder to display
the default presets.

• To preview the effects of a preset on your photo, move the pointer over it in the Presets panel and view the effects

in the Navigator panel.

• To apply a preset to the photo, click it in the Presets panel.

Create and organize Develop preset folders


Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) the area where you want the folder to appear and choose New


Type the name of the folder and click OK.


Drag a template to a folder name to move the template to that folder.

If you drag a Lightroom preset template to a different folder, the template is copied to that folder.

Create a Develop preset

Presets you create are based on the current settings of the selected photo.


In the Develop module, click the Create New Preset (+) button at the top of the Presets panel or choose Develop >
New Preset.


Click Check All to select everything or click Check None to deselect everything, and then click to select each of the
settings to include in the preset.


Type a name in the Preset Name box, specify which folder the preset should appear in, and click Create.

The preset is added to the list in the Presets panel in the specified folder.

Update a Develop preset


Select a user preset and modify settings as needed.