Search for photos using the text filter – Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC User Manual

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Organizing photos

Last updated 4/20/2015

Search for photos using the Text filter

The Text filter lets you search through the catalog or selected photos using a text search field. You can search any
indexed field or choose specific fields, and you can specify how the search criteria is matched.

The found photos that are displayed in the Grid view and the Filmstrip depend on whether you searched the entire
catalog, specific folders or collections, or the Quick Collection. The number of photos that match the search criteria
appears in the Filmstrip Source Indicator.


In the Library module, select a source in the Catalog, Folders, or Collections panel.


In the Library Filter bar, select Text.


Choose fields to search from the Any Searchable Field pop-up menu.

Any Searchable Field

Includes Searchable Metadata, Caption, File Path, virtual copy name, keywords, custom

metadata, and collection names.

Filename, Copy Name, Title, Captions, Keywords

Searches each of these metadata fields, respectively. Copy Name

refers to the name of a virtual copy.

Searchable Metadata

Includes Searchable IPTC, Searchable EXIF, and Title.

Searchable EXIF

Includes Make, Model, Serial Number, and Software.

Searchable IPTC

Includes Contact: Creator, Job Title, Address, City, State/Province, Postal Code, and Country;

Content (Mac OS) /IPTC (Windows): Headline, IPTC Subject Code, and Description Writer; Image: Intellectual
Genre, IPTC Scene Code, Sublocation, City, State/Province, Country, ISO Country Code; Status (Mac OS)
/Workflow (Windows): Title, Job Identifier, Instructions, Creditline, and Source; Copyright: Rights Usage Terms and
Copyright Info URL.

Any Searchable Plug-In Field

Includes searchable metadata fields created by third-party plug-ins.


Choose a search rule from the Contains All pop-up menu.


Searches for the specified alphanumeric sequence(s), including partial words. For example, performing a

Contains search for flo returns results that include the word flower. If multiple sequences are entered, Lightroom
finds photos that contain any of the individual sequences.

Contains All

Searches for text that contains all specified alphanumeric sequences. Say, for example, you have a folder

of photos of a family gathering, and each photo is tagged with the names of the individuals in the shot. You could
perform a Contains All search on Joh and Su to find all photos that contain both John and Susan. Simply enter a
space between search terms.

Contains Words

Searches for text that contains all specified alphanumeric sequences as whole words. To find photos

with the keyword flower using a Contains Word search, for example, type flower.

Doesn’t Contain

Searches for text that does not contain any specified sequence.

Starts With

Searches for text that begins with the specified alphanumeric sequence.

Ends With

Searches for text that ends with the specified alphanumeric sequence.


Type the text in the search box.

Add an exclamation point (!) before any word to exclude it from the results. Add a plus sign (+) before any word to
apply the Starts With rule to that word. Add a plus sign (+) after any word to apply the Ends With rule to that word.

The photos with the specified text criteria appear in the Grid view and the Filmstrip.


(Optional) To refine your search, apply an Attribute or Metadata filter.

Note: When two or more filters are specified, Lightroom returns photos that match all criteria.