Chapter 15: photo books, Create photo books, About the book module – Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC User Manual

Page 240: Create a photo book

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Last updated 4/20/2015

Chapter 15: Photo books

Create photo books

About the Book module

Using the Book module you can design photographic books and upload them to the on-demand print website You can also save your books as Adobe PDF or individual JPEG files.

A Preview and Collections panels B Export Book to PDF button C Multi-Page View, Spread View, Single-Page View buttons D Selected page
E Book Settings panels F Send Book to Blurb button

Create a photo book

To create a book, follow these steps:


Specify your default book-layout behaviors. In the Book module, choose Book > Book Preferences.

Default Photo Zoom

When photos are added to a cell, they can automatically zoom to fill, or zoom to fit. You can

override the preference by right-clicking (Windows) or Control-clicking (Mac OS) a photo in the preview area and
toggling Zoom Photo To Fill Cell on or off.

Start New Books By Autofilling

When you start a book, pages are automatically added using the current Auto

Layout preset and the photos that are in the Filmstrip.

Fill Text Boxes With

Layouts that include text boxes can automatically fill with the photo's Title, Caption or File

Name metadata.The option Filler Text displays placeholder text in the field to help you see whether the title, caption,
or file name metadata is missing.

Note: To see filler text, select the Filler Text option in the Guides panel.

Constrain Captions To Safe Text Area

Constrains photo and page caption fields to printable areas of the page. For

example, if you adjust the Page Caption Offset, Constrain Captions To Safe Text Area prevents you from accidentally
moving the caption outside the printable margins of the page.