Add a color wash to a slide background, Rotate slides, Rearrange slide order – Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC User Manual
Page 217: Create custom slideshow templates, Save custom slideshow templates
Last updated 4/20/2015
In the Backdrop panel, select any combination of the following options:
Color Wash
Applies a gradient wash color on top of the background color and background image. The gradient
transitions from the background color to the color you set in the color box on the right. See
Background Image
Uses an image that you drag from the Filmstrip into the background of the slide. Use the
Opacity slider to adjust the image’s transparency and partially show the background color.
Background Color
Uses the background color you specify. Click the color box on the right to select a color from the
color pop-up window.
Add a color wash to a slide background
In the Backdrop panel of the Slideshow module, select Color Wash.
Click the color box on the right and select a color from the color pop-up window.
Specify the appearance of the color:
Sets the opaqueness or transparency of the color wash overlay.
Sets the direction of the gradient transition of the background color or background image to the color wash.
Turn the Angle dial, move the slider, or enter a value in degrees.
Rotate slides
Individual slides can be rotated clockwise or counterclockwise.
In the Slideshow module, navigate to the slide you want to rotate.
From the Lightroom main menu, choose Slideshow > Rotate Left (CCW) or Rotate Right (CW).
Rearrange slide order
In the Library module, choose a regular collection or a folder that does not contain subfolders as the source for your
slideshow. Make your selection in the Folders panel or the Collections panel.
For an accurate view of what’s in a selected folder in the Library module, and to be sure you are in the lowest folder
in the hierarchy, select a folder in the Folders panel, click the Library menu, and make sure Show Folders In
Subfolders is unchecked.
In the Slideshow module, drag photos in the Filmstrip to rearrange them. Drag from the center of the thumbnail,
not the edge.
You cannot drag to rearrange photos in the Slideshow module if you have chosen a smart collection or if you have
chosen All Photographs or Previous Import in the Catalog panel of the Library module.
Create custom slideshow templates
Modifications you make to the colors, layout, text, and output settings can be saved as a custom template. After you save
it, the custom template is listed in the Template Browser for reuse. You can create new folders in the Template Browser
to help organize your templates.
Save custom slideshow templates
In the Template Browser of the Slideshow module, select a template on which to base your custom template, and
modify the layout.