Plan your backup strategy, Schedule catalog backups – Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC User Manual

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Managing catalogs and files

Last updated 4/20/2015

Plan your backup strategy

Lightroom allows you to schedule regular catalog backups when you exit the software. Backups executed from
Lightroom include only the catalog file. You must independently back up your edited photos and anything exported
from Lightroom.

Performing frequent, regular catalog backups is only part of what should be a comprehensive backup strategy. When
formulating a backup strategy:

• Remember that the more frequently you back up your catalog and photos, the less data you stand to lose when a

crash or corruption occurs.

• If possible, store the backup copies of your photos and catalog on a separate hard disk from your working files.

• Consider using dedicated backup software to automate the process and synchronize changes between your working

and backup files.

• If you’re worried that your backup files might be accidentally erased, create redundant backups on additional disks,

or on read-only media such as DVDs.

• For greater security, store your backup disk in a separate location from your working disk, preferably offsite or in a

fire-proof safe.

• Consider making copies of your photos when you import them. Remember that this gives you only a copy of your

original photos, not your edited photos. See

Back up photos during import


By default, Lightroom saves backed up catalogs to the following locations:

Windows: \Users\[user name]\Pictures\Lightroom\[catalog name]\Backups\

Mac OS: /Users/[user name]/Pictures/Lightroom/[catalog name]/Backups\

Inside the Backups folder, Lightroom creates a folder with the date and time of the backup: YYYY-MM-DD HRMN.
(The time is represented by a 24-hour clock without a colon between hours and minutes.) The backed up catalog is
saved inside the date-stamped folder, with the same name as the working catalog. Lightroom writes a new catalog every
time it creates a backup. To save space on your hard disk, delete or compress old backup files. In addition, make sure
that you have write permissions for the location where you decide to save your backup.

Note: Running Mac OS X Time Machine™ backup or restore operations while Lightroom is in use is not recommended.

Schedule catalog backups


Choose Edit > Catalog Settings (Windows) or Lightroom > Catalog Settings (Mac OS).


In the Backup area of the General panel, choose an option from the Back Up Catalog pop-up menu:

When Lightroom Next Exits

Backs up the catalog the next time you exit Lightroom, and then the Back Up Catalog

option switches to Never.

Every Time Lightroom Exits

Backs up the catalog every time you exit Lightroom, so changes from every working

session are always backed up.

Once A Day, When Exiting Lightroom

Backs up the catalog the first time you exit Lightroom each day. If you exit

Lightroom more than once a day, additional changes are not backed up until the next day.

Once A Week, When Exiting Lightroom

Backs up the catalog once a week. If you exit Lightroom more frequently,

additional changes are not backed up until the next week.

Once A Month, When Exiting Lightroom

Backs up the catalog once a month. If you exit Lightroom more frequently,

additional changes are not backed up until the next month.


No backups are performed by Lightroom. (Not recommended.)