Serial printing utility program – Juniper Systems Allegro DOS Manual User Manual
Page 205
MS-DOS Page 5-45
Serial Printing Utility Program
SERPRN.EXE is a DOS utility program that allows you to set up an
Allegro serial communication port to send output to a printer. If a
program is designed to use a parallel printer port, SERPRN redirects the
parallel port settings to a serial port. It also sets the communication
parameters and software and hardware handshaking.
This program can be used in place of the Mode command. Like the
Mode command, you can call SERPRN from the AUTOEXEC.BAT file so
printing is automatically set up.
The parameters you can specify when executing this program are listed
COM1 COM port to be used (COM1 or COM2)
Baud rate (1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 56800, 115200)
Parity (n - none, e - even, o - odd, m - mark, s - space)
Number of data bits (7 or 8)
Number of stops bits (1 or 2)
Enables XON/XOFF handshaking
Enables CTS hardware handshaking
Enables DSR hardware handshaking
Enables quiet mode
Disables the redirection of the COM port
Displays help
Sets time out (number between 1 - 15)
To execute this program, type the command followed by your
parameter choices. The syntax and the default settings (no handshaking)
are shown below:
Serprn com1 9600 n 8 1 x
A space must separate each parameter. The first parameter is always the
COM port followed by the communication parameters (these can be
entered in any order). The hardware and software handshaking can be
used separately or together. Normally, only one handshaking method is
used at a time.