Juniper Systems Allegro DOS Manual User Manual

Page 135

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Windows CE Page 4-69

Power(number, power) It raises the number to the power. You can also use
the “^” operator (e.g. 4^2).
Example: Power(4,2) equals 16.

Product(number, number, ...) Multiplies all the numbers given as
arguments and returns the product.
Example: A1 contains 2, Product(A1, 5) equals 10.

Radians(number) Converts degrees to radians.
Example: Radians(180) equals 3.14159.

Rand() Returns a random number greater than or equal to 0 and less
than 1. A new number is returned every time the workbook is

Round(number, number) Rounds a number to the specified number of
digits. Example: Round(5.46, 1) equals 5.5.

RoundDown(number, numDigits) Rounds the number down, toward zero,
to the specified number of digits.
Example: RoundDown(40.8, 0) equals 40.

RoundUp(number, numDigits) Rounds the number up, away from zero, to
the specified number of digits.
Example: RoundUp(39.1, 0) equals 40.

Sign(number) Returns 1 if the number is positive, 0 if the number is 0,
and -1 if the number is negative.
Example: Sign(-5) equals -1.

Sin(number) Returns the sine of the given angle.
Example: Sin(Pi()/2) equals 1.

Sinh(number) Returns the hyperbolic sine of the number.
Example: Sinh(3) equals 10.01787.

Sqrt(number) Returns the square root.
Example: Sqrt(4) equals 2.

Sum(number, number, ...) Return the sum of all the numbers in the list of
Example: Sum(10, 20) equals 30.

SumIf(range, criteria, sumRange) It sums up the values of only those cells
from the sumRange for which the corresponding cells in the range
satisfy the criteria.
Example: Sumif(A1:A5,”>100000",B1:B5).

Tan(number) Returns the tangent of the given angle.
Example: Tan(5) equals -3.38051.