Juniper Systems Allegro DOS Manual User Manual
Page 139
Windows CE Page 4-73
Today() Returns the current date.
Weekday(date, type) Returns the day of the week corresponding to a date.
If type = 1 or omitted returns: 1 (Sunday) through 7 (Saturday).
Example: Weekday(Date(1999,8,15)) equals 1.
Year(date) Returns the year of a date.
Example: Year(Date(1999, 1, 1)) equals 1999.
Logical Functions
And(logical1, logical2, ...) Returns TRUE if all its arguments are TRUE,
otherwise returns FALSE.
Example: And(FALSE, TRUE) equals FALSE.
If(condition, trueValue, falseValue) Returns trueValue if condition
evaluates to TRUE or falseValue if condition evaluates to FALSE.
Example: If(A1>A2, “OK”, “Cancel”).
Not(logical) Reverses logical value.
Example: Not(TRUE) equals FALSE.
Or(logical1, logical2, ...) Returns TRUE if any argument is TRUE,
otherwise return FALSE.
Example: Or(FALSE, TRUE) equals TRUE.
Text Functions
Char(number) Returns the character specified by a number.
Example: Char(66) equals B.
Code(text) Returns a numeric code for the first character in a text string.
Example: Code(“ABC”) equals 65.
Exact(text1, text2) Returns TRUE if two text strings are identical (case
Example: Exact(“palm”, “PALM”) equals FALSE.
Find(findText, withinText, start) Finds string (findText) within another
text string (withinText), and returns its starting position.
Example: Find(“A”, “CBA”, 1) equals 3.
Left(text, num_chars) Returns the leftmost characters from a text string.
Example: Left(“Allegro”, 2) equals “Al”.
Len(text) Returns the number of characters in a text string.
Example: Len(“Allegro”) equals 7.
Lower(text) Converts text to lowercase.
Example: Lower(“Allegro FPC”) equals “allegro fpc”.