Bio-Rad ChromLab™ Software User Manual
Page 84
| The NGC Instrument
| NGC Chromatography Systems and ChromLab Software
Air Sensor LEDs
The air sensor module is fitted with LEDs.
Green LEDs indicate the module is connected.
Blue LEDs indicate air in the tubing.
Prime the lines to remove air. See
Priming and Purging the Systems on
for more information.
Air Sensor Tubing Length and Bubble Size
The response of the air sensor module is highly dependent on the bubble size and
flow rate, and requires a minimum tubing length between the sensor outlet and the
8 lists recommended tubing lengths for various flow rates and
bubble sizes.
Table 8.
Recommended air sensor tubing lengths
Flow Rate
Bubble Size
1/8" ID FEP Tubing Length
(air sensor to pump inlet)
1 ml/min
15–25 μl
5 ml/min
50–100 μl
10 ml/min
200 μl
100 ml/min
1.05–1.4 ml