Bio-Rad ChromLab™ Software User Manual

Page 141

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Preparing the System and Sample Pump Piston Washing Systems

Instrument Guide

| 139

Preparing the System and Sample Pump Piston Washing


Place the washing systems reservoir for the system and sample pumps

at the same height or above the level of the pump heads to avoid siphoning of

the solution back to the reservoir.

If the washing system is not thoroughly primed and devoid of air, recirculation might

not occur at flow rates below

0.3 ml/min for the F10 pump piston washing system

3.0 ml/min for the F100 pump piston washing system

If routinely operating at low flow rates, reprime the washing system to ensure

recirculation and efficient piston washing. You can reprime the system pumps by

operating the pump for a brief period at a flow rate of

1.0 ml/min or greater for the F10 pump piston washing system

10 ml/min or greater for the F100 pump piston washing system


You can also reprime the system manually as explained in the section

Priming and Purging the Systems on page

