Detailed attributes sample pump leds, How the sample pump works – Bio-Rad ChromLab™ Software User Manual

Page 36

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| The NGC Instrument


| NGC Chromatography Systems and ChromLab Software

Detailed Attributes

Flow rate delivery: 0.01–100 ml/min

Pressure range: 0–1,450 psi (0–10 MPa)

Operating viscosity range: 0.35–10 cP

Sample Pump LEDs

The sample pump module is fitted with LEDs.

Blue LEDs indicates the pump is in use.

How the Sample Pump Works

The reciprocating pistons in the sample pump synchronize to deliver continuous

flow with low pulsation. The sample pump module also has an emergency Pause

button and a Purge button.

Pressing the emergency Pause stops the sample pump. If a run is in

progress when you press Pause, the sample pump stops and the run


You can resume or cancel the run through ChromLab. If you choose to cancel

the run, you can save the run data up to that point.

Pressing Purge runs the sample pump at full speed, replacing any air in the

lines with buffer. The Purge button is a toggle. To stop the purge, press

Purge on the sample pump again.


The Purge button is deactivated when a run is in progress or when

any of the modules are in calibration mode.


Always ensure that the column is offline when purging the

system in order to avoid damaging the column.