3 . viewing and editing images, 1 windows and subwindows, 2 configuring subwindows – Bio-Rad EXQuest Spot Cutter User Manual

Page 80: Viewing and editing images -1, Windows and subwindows -1, Configuring subwindows -1, Viewing and editing images

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3. Viewing and Editing


This chapter describes the tools for displaying images in windows and subwindows,
and magnifying and optimizing images. This chapter also describes the tools for
cropping, flipping, and rotating images and filtering image noise.

These tools may be found on the View, Edit, Image, and Window menus.


Windows and Subwindows

PDQuest displays the multiple images in a MatchSet or a scanset in subwindows of
the same image window. Subwindows appear as separate, smaller windows within the
main image window. Subwindows are designed to allow you to easily compare and
edit MatchSet and scanset images at the same time.


Configuring Subwindows

To control how MatchSets and scansets are partitioned into subwindows, click the
Configure Subwindows button on the main toolbar (also Ctrl+F1 and Windows
menu). The Configure Subwindows dialog box will open.

The Loaded Images buttons show the types of files that are open (2D scans, Gaussian
images, MatchSets, etc.) and list how many images are in each type. Click a button to
display only images of that type in the subwindows.

Click All to display all available image types in subwindows.

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