4 . detecting and editing spots, 1 selecting spot detection parameters, Detecting and editing spots -1 – Bio-Rad EXQuest Spot Cutter User Manual

Page 122: Selecting spot detection parameters -1, Detecting and editing spots

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4. Detecting and Editing


This chapter describes how to detect and edit spots using PDQuest.


Selecting Spot Detection Parameters

The Spot Detection Wizard is used to select the parameters for detecting
spots in gel scans.

Because gels vary in stain type, spot intensity, clarity, streaking, etc.,

different parameters are needed to detect spots on different gels. In general, you can
use the same parameters to detect spots on all gels that use the same stain and have
been run and scanned in the same manner.

To select the detection parameters for a particular type of gel, make sure that a
representative gel scan is open and active in PDQuest, then select Spot Detection
Wizard from the Spots menu or quick guide.

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