F imagers – Bio-Rad EXQuest Spot Cutter User Manual

Page 74

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General Operation


Enter up to three letters for the MatchSet Name Prefix and a number for the MatchSet
Name Sequence #.

When you create a MatchSet, you can give it a default name. The MatchSet Name
Prefix field determines the prefix of the default name, while the MatchSet Name
Sequence # determines the number added to the prefix to complete the name. The
sequence number increases by 1 each time a new MatchSet is created using the
default name.

Once the prefix and the sequence number have been initially set, you probably will
not need to change them.

If Auto-match after Landmark is selected, PDQuest will auto-match all gels in the
MatchSet each time you place a landmark in all the gels.

Finally, indicate the orientation in which your gels are run by clicking on either the
Acid-Base or Base-Acid button next to the pH Gradient prompt.



Checking the name of a scanning device in the Imagers tab allows you to scan using
that instrument.

See the individual appendices on each imaging devices for more details.

This manual is related to the following products: