C selecting a category, D selecting spot(s) – Bio-Rad EXQuest Spot Cutter User Manual

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Analysis Sets and Annotations


Protein Name Category

You can create a special category for identifying spots by their protein names instead
of by SSP numbers in the Annotation Tool.

Open the Add Category dialog box and type "protname" in the Name field. Click
Done to create the category. In the annotation entry for a spot in this category, type the
name of the protein for that spot.

When you select the Sort: Name option under the Select Spot(s) list in the Annotation
Tool, the spots will be listed alphabetically by their protein names.


Selecting a Category

After you have created a category, you can select it. Click on the category name in the
Select Category list. Click the Show Description checkbox to display the description
of each category in the list.

All the spots that have been annotated in a selected category will be
marked in the Select Spot(s) list.

7.2.d Selecting Spot(s)

In the Select Spot(s) list, click on a spot SSP number to select it, or S









-click to select multiple spots that will have the same annotation entry.

Alternatively, click the Select Spots in Image button and click on a spot in the
MatchSet Master to select it. To select multiple spots with the Select Spots tool, ctrl-
click or drag on the spots in the Master.

Selected spots are highlighted in the list. You can sort the spot list by SSP number or
Name. Names of spots are specified using a special category called protname, which
you either create or add as a standard category. You type the protein name of a spot as
an annotation entry in this category, and you can sort by it using the Name sort option.

Auto-select Same Entry will automatically select spots in the list that have the same
entry in a specified category. With the checkbox and category selected, click on a spot
in the list or the MatchSet; the other spots with the same entry will be selected too.

All categories containing annotations for the selected spot will be marked in the
Select Category list. If multiple spots are selected, no categories will be marked.

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