Bio-Rad EXQuest Spot Cutter User Manual
Page 393

PDQuest User Guide
To enable this feature, select the Flat Fielding checkbox.
UV Illumination Flat Fielding: When you first select the Flat fielding checkbox, and
then acquire an image using the UV transilluminator, you will be prompted to remove
your sample and place the fluorescent reference plate on the ChemiDoc XRS sample
stage and turn on the UV transilluminator (see the ChemiDoc XRS User Manual).
Fig.C-9. Illumination flat fielding reminder
A reference image of the plate will be acquired and saved on your computer hard
drive. The reference image will be applied to the sample image to generate a flat field
corrected exposure.
White Light Illumination Flat Fielding: When you first select the checkbox, and then
acquire an image using the white light conversion screen or the white light
transilluminator, you will be prompted to remove your sample, turn on the white light
source, and collect an exposure of the white light screen/transilluminator (see the
ChemiDoc XRS User Manual). A reference image of the screen/transilluminator will
be acquired and saved on your computer hard drive. The reference image will be
applied to the sample image to generate a flat field corrected exposure.
For subsequent UV or white light trans exposures, you will be prompted to either use
the appropriate saved flat field image or acquire a new one.