Bio-Rad EXQuest Spot Cutter User Manual

Page 176

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Fig. 5-15. Combine Narrow-range gels.

Use the Add From Member dropdown list to add successive gels to the Master. Add
additional gels in order of increasing pH. The Master, or Cybergel, becomes a
combination of all gels you added. For more information on selection criteria,
formatting, spot location, and display, 5.7, Adding Spots to the Master

Indicate the orientation in which your gels are run by checking either the Acid-Base
or Base-Acid box under pH gradient in the Edit > Preferences > Application tab.

When you are ready to add spots from the gel, click Proceed. The selected spots will
be added and the gel will be rematched with the Master. If some spots could not be
added because they were too close to existing spots this will be noted in a pop-up box.
You can add these manually.

To remove all spots added from the selected gel, click Undo Add. You will be warned
before the action is completed.

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