Bio-Rad EXQuest Spot Cutter User Manual

Page 178

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Fig. 5-16. Auto-add Spots to Master dialog.

In the dialog box, select the MatchSet member from the Select Member popup box.
The MatchSet will reconfigure to display the member and Master in adjacent
subwindows, with the unmatched spots selected and their corresponding locations in
the Master highlighted.

Selection Criteria

You can choose from three different options in the Selection Criteria area: Ignore
filter for spots outside current Master, Filter by peak value, and Filter by quality.

Check the Ignore filters for spots outside current master box. if you are adding spots
from a gel with a different PH gradient than the current Master. The Master will be
expanded and all unmatched spots that fall outside the area of the Master will be
added regardless of quantity or quality. See 5.6, Cybergels for more information on
matching gels with different pH gradients.

The second option is Filter by peak value. Use it to add all the unmatched spots or
only those spots that meet a threshold peak value and/or quality value. To set a peak
value threshold, check Filter by peak value and drag the slider to the left, or enter a

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