3 file commands and functions, A file types in pdquest, B matchsets, scansets, and analysis sets – Bio-Rad EXQuest Spot Cutter User Manual

Page 38: File commands and functions -7

background image

General Operation


click the mouse button once, the defined region is magnified and the tool is
automatically deassigned from your mouse.

2.3 File Commands and Functions

This section describes the basic file commands and functions of PDQuest.


Print and Export commands are described in Chapter 12.

2.3.a File Types in PDQuest

The types of files supported by PDQuest are:

Raw 2-D scans (.gsc)

Filtered images (.gim)

Gaussian images (.gsp)

Calstrip scans (.csc)

MatchSets (.ms)

Backup scans (.sbk) (Backups cannot be opened in Windows; you must change the
extension to .gsc using Windows Explorer to open the file).

2.3.b MatchSets, Scansets, and Analysis Sets


A MatchSet is PDQuest’S mechanism for comparing and analyzing the spots in an
experiment. Each image in a MatchSet is called a member. A MatchSet contains one
or more separate members in the form of Raw 2-D, Filtered, or Gaussian images.

Using a MatchSet, you can make quantitative and qualitative spot comparisons across
gels, calculate molecular weight/isoelectric point values, annotate spots, group them
into analysis sets, combine the data from multiple gels into replicate groups, and
select spots for excision and mass spec analysis.

This manual is related to the following products: