Bio-Rad EXQuest Spot Cutter User Manual

Page 217

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PDQuest User Guide


Step 2:

Click Create then select Arbitrary form the Select Set type dialog. This opens the
Arbitrary Analysis Set template.

Fig. 6-20. Create an Analysis Set.

Step 3:

To add spots to this set, click Add spots to set and click an appropriate (i.e.,
housekeeping protein) spot. The cursor displays as a green cross. The spot will be
highlighted, indicating that it has been added to the set. If you want to remove a
spot from the analysis set, click Remove spots from set and click a highlighted
spot. Click Save. The new analysis set is added to the list.

See section 7.1 for more information on creating analysis sets.

The total quantity of the valid spots in this analysis set will be displayed for each
MatchSet gel in the table at the bottom of the dialog box.

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