3 browsing variables, 12 visualisation with »visiwinnet – Lenze c300 User Manual
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Lenze · Controller | Parameter setting & programming · Reference Manual · DMS 1.5 EN · 04/2014 · TD17
Visualisation with »VisiWinNET®«
OPC tunnel for external visualisation (remote access)
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Browsing variables
This chapter describes how to browse variables using the Remote OPC tunnel.
How to browse for variable definitions:
1. Click the Add button to import the variable definition file which has been previously
exported from the »PLC Designer«.
Select the communication type (Remote OPC server) from the Configure device dialog box
depending on the variables you want to access.
Possible communication types
Communication type
Remote DataManager OPC tunnel
Required information:
• Remote name of the target device (standard value: RemoteIPC)
Note: The Remote name must be identical to the value specified in the
oct.xml file.
• The oct.xml file can be found on the SD memory card of the Controller
(directory: \USBStorage\OCT).
• Devicealias
• Parameterfile
Supported file formats:
• Device description files (*.dcf, *.eds)
EDS device description files can be found in the Lenze Application
Knowledge Base (AKB):
CAN Remote OPC tunnel
Required information:
• Remote name of the target device (example: "RemoteIPC")
• CAN interface (CAN Interface)
• CAN node address (CAN Node Address)
• Devicealias
• Parameterfile
Supported file formats:
• Device description files (*.dcf, *.eds)
• »Global Drive Control« file(*.gdc)
• Parameter file (*.pdb)