13 configuration – JUMO 705060 mTRON T - Multifunction Panel 840 Operating Manual User Manual
Page 151

13 Configuration
Input signal
Channel 1 has a special task; it is used as the reference curve for the other channels in the
group. All other channels in the group can be compared with channel 1 independent of one an-
other. If the configured tolerance band is exited, there is an alarm, and an alarm text is dis-
played in the "status and title line" and in the alarm list and event list.
Negative toler-
Only available for channel 1 of a group.
"Negative tolerance" and the current
measured value of channel 1 form the
lower limit of the tolerance band. Only a
negative value can be entered.
Positive hystere-
Only available for channel 1 of a group.
If there is a violation of the positive toler-
ance, the current measured value from
channel 2 to 6 must fall below the cur-
rent measured value of tolerance 1, plus
the positive tolerance and minus the
positive hysteresis, in order for the
alarm to be withdrawn again. Only a
positive value can be entered for the
"positive hysteresis".
Negative hystere-
Only available for channel 1 of a group.
If there is a violation of the negative tol-
erance, the current measured value
from channel 2 to 6 must first increase
above the current measured value of tol-
erance 1, plus the negative tolerance
and plus the negative hysteresis, in
order for the alarm to be withdrawn
again. Only a negative value can be
entered for the "negative hysteresis".
Ref. alarm text
Available as from channel 2 of a group.
Use default text or enter other text.
The text entered (max. 21 characters) is
displayed in the "status and title line"
and entered in the alarm and event list if
the selected channel exits the tolerance
in a positive direction.
Ref. alarm text (-) Available as from channel 2 of a group.
Use default text or enter other text.
The text entered (max. 21 characters) is
displayed in the "status and title line"
and entered in the alarm and event list if
the selected channel exits the tolerance
in a negative direction.