Program configuration, Program configuration -8 – HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual
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Figure 2-3 LU Configuration Recognized by the Host After HDLM
Table 2-3 LU Components on page 2-8
lists the components recognized by
the host.
Table 2-3 LU Components
A Dev (partition) in an LU that the host recognizes via the
HDLM driver. It is called a host device. One host device is
recognized for one Dev in the storage system.
An LU that the host recognizes via the HDLM driver. It is
called a host LU. Regardless of how many paths exist, only
one host LU is recognized for each LU in the storage system.
Program Configuration
HDLM is actually a combination of several programs. Because each program
corresponds to a specific HDLM operation, it is important to understand the
name and purpose of each program, along with how they are all interrelated.
Figure 2-4 Configuration of the HDLM Programs on page 2-9
configuration of the HDLM programs.
HDLM Functions
Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager User Guide (for Linux(R))