HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual

Page 181

background image

The following shows an example of executing the command:

# /sbin/dracut /boot/initramfs-hdlm-2.6.32-71.el6.i686.img

`uname -r`


For OSs other than the above:
Execute the utility for supporting a boot disk (dlmmkinitrd).
For details on the dlmmkinitrd utility, see

dlmmkinitrd Utility for

Supporting a Boot Disk on page 7-31




Back up the /etc/fstab file.



Edit the /etc/fstab file.
Change the mount points for the following HDLM management-target

devices from the SCSI device to the HDLM device:


When ELILO is used as the boot loader:
Root directory (/), /boot/efi, /tmp, /usr, /var, swap


When GRUB is used as the boot loader:
Root directory (/), /boot, /tmp, /usr, /var, swap


When LILO is used as the boot loader:
Root directory (/), /tmp, /usr, /var, swap

Comment out the existing SCSI device specification by placing a hash

mark (#) at the beginning of each line, and then add the HDLM device

specification as shown below, based on the correspondence between the

SCSI device and the HDLM device as checked in step 18.



#LABEL=/ / ext2 defaults 1 1

#/dev/sda2 / ext2 defaults 1 1

/dev/sddlmaa2 / ext2 defaults 1 1



#LABEL=/tmp /tmp ext2 defaults 1 2

#/dev/sda4 /tmp ext2 defaults 1 2

/dev/sddlmaa4 /tmp ext2 defaults 1 2





Back up the boot loader configuration file.



Copy the configuration contained in the boot loader configuration file,

which was used for startup from the SCSI device in step 14.



Change the name of the configuration contained in the boot loader

configuration file.
Change the name of the configuration copied in step 23. Choose a name

that indicates use for an HDLM device specification.


When GRUB is used as the boot loader:
Change the underlined text as follows:

Creating an HDLM Environment


Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager User Guide (for Linux(R))

This manual is related to the following products: