HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual
Page 240
Figure 3-30 Device Configuration When a Logical Volume on a SCSI Device
Is Moved to an HDLM Device
Figure 3-30 Device Configuration When a Logical Volume on a SCSI Device
Is Moved to an HDLM Device on page 3-172
, sdn indicates the different LUs.
sddlmad1 and sddlmad2 indicate the HDLM devices corresponding to each LU.
To move the logical volume to an HDLM device:
Make sure that HDLM has been installed.
Execute the rpm command to make sure that HDLM has been installed.
# rpm -q HDLM
Make sure that the path is a single path.
Execute the HDLM-configuration definition utility (dlmcfgmgr) with the -v
parameter specified to make sure that the path to the LU is a single path.
# dlmcfgmgr -v
HDevName Management Device Host Channel Target Lun
/dev/sddlmaa configured /dev/sda 2 0 0 0
/dev/sddlmab configured /dev/sdb 2 0 0 1
KAPL10302-I /sbin/dlmcfgmgr completed normally.
Stop all processes and services that are using the SCSI and HDLM
Unmount the logical volume to be moved.
Creating an HDLM Environment
Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager User Guide (for Linux(R))