Verifying manually – HP Storage Mirroring Software User Manual

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Verifying manually

A manual verification can be run anytime a mirror is not in progress.


Open the Replication Console


2. Right-click the connection on the right pane of the Replication Console and select


3. Select the verification options that you would like to perform.

Verify only—This option verifies the data and generates a verification log,
but it does not remirror any files that are different on the source and target.

Remirror files to the Target automatically—This option verifies the data,
generates a verification log, and remirrors to the target any files that are
different on the source.

Only if the Source file is newer than Target copy—If you are remirroring
your files, you can specify that only files that are newer on the source than
the target be remirrored.


If you are using a database application, do not use the newer option
unless you know for certain you need it. With database applications, it is
critical that all files, not just some of them that might be newer, get

Use block checksum comparison/delta block transfer—Specify if you
want the verification process to use a block checksum comparison to
determine which blocks are different. If this option is enabled, only those
blocks (not the entire files) that are different will be identified in the log and/or
remirrored to the target.