Paused —mirroring has been paused, Verifying —data is being verified – HP Storage Mirroring Software User Manual

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Mode *

The commit mode status indicates the connection status.

Real-time—Data is being transmitted to the target machine in real-

Scheduled—Data is waiting to be transmitted to the target
machine until one or more transmit options have been met.


Started—Data is being transferred to the target machine.

Paused—If the transmission is real-time and the transmission has
been paused, the Transmit Mode indicates Paused.

Scheduled—If the transmission is scheduled, the Transmit Mode
indicates Scheduled.

Stopped—Data is not being transferred to the target machine.

Error—There is a transmission error.

Mirror Status

Mirroring—If the file size of the replication set has not been
calculated and the data is being mirrored to the target machine, the
Mirror Status will indicate Mirroring.

Idle—Data is not being mirrored to the target machine.

Paused—Mirroring has been paused.

Percentage Complete—If the file size of the replication set has
been calculated and the data is being mirrored to the target
machine, the Mirror Status will display the percentage of the
replication set that has been sent.

Waiting—Mirroring is complete, but data is still being written to the

Restoring—Data is being restored from the target to the source.

Verifying—Data is being verified.

Removing Orphans—Storage Mirroring Recover is checking for
orphan files within the target path location (files that exist on the
target but not on the source). These files will be removed.

Archiving—Data is being archived or an archive report is being