HP Storage Mirroring Software User Manual

Page 258

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2. By default, Manual Intervention Required is selected. Manual intervention allows

you to control when failover occurs. When a failure occurs, a prompt appears and
waits for you to initiate the failover process manually.
Disable Manual Intervention Required only if you want failover to occur
immediately when a failure condition is met.

3. In the Method to monitor for Failover field, select the ping method to use when

monitoring source IP addresses.

Network Access (ICMP)—Storage Mirroring Recover failover uses ICMP
pings to determine if the source server is online. If a network device, such as
a firewall or router, between the source and target is blocking ICMP traffic,
failover monitors cannot be created or used.

Replication Service (UDP)—The Storage Mirroring service on the target
server sends a ping-like UDP request to the source Storage Mirroring
service, which replies immediately to confirm it is running. This method is
useful when ICMP is blocked on routers between the source and target.

Application Monitoring—If you select the Application Monitoring option,
the fields in Application Monitoring Settings area will be enabled.


In order to use Application Monitoring, the monitored servers must be running
Storage Mirroring Recover version 5.2 or later.

4. Configure how long to wait after a source failure to initiate failover. The amount of

time before failover begins is calculated by multiplying the Monitor Interval by the
Failure Count. For example, if the Monitor Interval is set to 5 seconds and the
Failure Count setting is 5, a failover condition will be identified after 25 seconds of
missed source activity.

a. In the Monitor Interval field, select how often the monitor should check the

source machine availability (Default = 5 seconds, or 60 seconds if
Application Monitoring is selected).

b. In the Failure Count field, select how many monitor replies can be missed

before assuming the source machine has failed (Default = 5 missed replies,
or 3 replies if Application Monitoring is selected).

5. If you are monitoring multiple IP addresses, select one of the Failover Trigger


All Monitored IP Addresses Fail—Failover begins when all monitored IP
addresses fail.

One Monitored IP Address Fails—Failover begins when any of the
monitored IP addresses fail.

6. If you selected Application Monitoring as the Method to Monitor for Failover,

enter information in the Application Monitoring Settings area.