Chapter 7 summary tab – container level, Equipment reports – Lincoln Electric IM8000 CHECKPOINT User Manual
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CheckPoint™ User Manual
Chapter 7
Summary Tab – Container Level
The Summary tab at the Container level in the Asset Tree provides a set of Equipment reports, Operator
reports and a set of Overview reports for welds performed during a specific time frame. For details on the
Summary tab at the Welding Power Source level, please see Chapter 8.
The reports in the Standard version of CheckPoint™ only
displays up to 30 days of data. This is important when you
select date ranges in the Criteria window of a custom
report. The Premium version of CheckPoint™ allows you to
access report data for up to one (1) year.
Equipment Reports
The Equipment reports provide you with quick status reports on the total welds per welder for the
Container you have selected in the Asset Tree during the time frame selected. You can customize the range
of time the report displays by selecting one of the following options from the Equipment menu on the
Summary tab:
Hour: Select Hour from the menu to view information on the selected Container covering the
last 60 minutes from the current time.
Today: Select Today from the menu to view information on the selected Container covering the
last 24 hours from the current time. If you want to see the data for a specific shift within those
24 hours, click the Criteria link to specify the shift.
Last 7 Days: Select Last 7 Days from the menu to view information on the selected Container
covering the last seven calendar days from the current day. If you want to see the data for a
specific shift over those seven days, click the Criteria link to specify the shift.
Month: Select Month from the menu to view information on the selected Container covering
the last 30 calendar days from today’s date. If you want to see the data for a specific shift over
the past month, click the Criteria link to specify the shift.
Custom: When you select Custom from the drop-down, CheckPoint™ allows you to select a
specific date range and/or shift for the report. The data displayed will cover only the selected
time period. Click the Criteria link to make your selections.