Lincoln Electric IM8000 CHECKPOINT User Manual

Page 46

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Chapter 4. Managing CheckPoint™

User Management

4.6 CheckPoint™







From the drop-downs in the Site Admin

Options section, select Yes for only one of
the permissions.

Administrator: Select Yes to allow the user to
access the CheckPoint™ Manager to add, edit, and
delete user accounts, Shift Schedules, Welding
Power Sources and documents. This also includes
the ability to access and modify their personal
account settings.


Management: Select Yes to allow the user to
access their personal profile and modify their own
account settings but prevent them from accessing
the CheckPoint™ Manager.




Save button.

Once you click Save, the system sends an e-mail to
the user at the e-mail address you entered. Be
sure to instruct them to click the link in that e-mail
to complete their registration with CheckPoint™.

Edit a User Account

There are a variety of reasons to edit a user’s account, including helping them out if they have trouble
editing information in their profile. From the CheckPoint™ Manager, the administrator user has access to
modify each section of a user’s profile, including additional information about their site permissions and
advanced programming settings.

Figure 4.13 Editing a User Account

To edit a user account, simply click the Edit link next to the user account and make your changes (Figure
4.11 on page 4.4). Remember to click the Save button to commit your changes. If you want to exit without
committing any changes, click the Cancel button.