Lincoln Electric IM8000 CHECKPOINT User Manual
Page 140

Chapter 11. Weld Listing Tab
Summary Report
11.4 CheckPoint™
Manual IM8000
Table 11.2
Columns on the Weld Listing – Summary Report
Start of Weld
The Start of Weld column displays the date and specific time the Welding Power
Source began performing the weld.
If you want to see additional information about the individual weld, simply click the
underlined date and time, and the system displays the details of the weld. See page
11.5 for more information on the data displayed. You can click the Return to
Summary link to go back to your report.
This column displays the name of the Welding Power Source that was used to make
this weld. The CheckPoint™ administrator entered this text when creating the Asset
Tree (page 4.17).
Weld Duration
The Weld Duration displays the length of time (in seconds) from the time listed in
the Start of Weld field to the time the Welding Power Source stopped welding.
Part SN
The Part Serial Number is the number assigned to this weld. The part number
comes from a variety of sources, depending if a person enters the number in Power
Wave® Manager manually or the information is transmitted automatically.
Operator ID
When an operator begins welding on a Power Wave®, his or her ID or badge
number is entered through Power Wave® Manager or another method. The
Operator ID column displays the person logged in when the weld was performed.
Consumable Lot
The system displays the number that was entered in Power Wave® Manager for the
consumable used to make this weld. The person who adds the consumable to the
Welding Power Source uses the Power Wave® Manager software to tell the
machine how much and what type of wire was loaded, including the lot number for
the wire.
If you use Lincoln Electric consumables, each Consumable Lot number shown is a
link that takes you directly to the certificate of conformance for the consumable in
use (Figure 8.6 on page 8.6).
Weld Profile
This is simply the Weld Profile used for creating this individual weld.
Engineers can set each Weld Profile with a minimum WeldScore™ value that is
considered acceptable. The Status column displays whether this weld was above
that score (WeldScore™ High) or below that score (WeldScore™ Low).
The WeldScore column displays the average score for this weld. Every quarter of a
second, the Welding Power Source compares the performance of the weld against
the trained weld for the Weld Profile being used. When the weld is complete, the
power source averages those measurements together for an average WeldScore™
value. For more details on WeldScore™, please see page 1.4.