Lincoln Electric IM8000 CHECKPOINT User Manual
Page 52

Chapter 4. Managing CheckPoint™
Shift Schedules
CheckPoint™ User Manual
Repeat Frequency:
When you set a shift to repeat on a Daily basis, you can configure the day
interval. For example, the shift might occur every other day so you could set
the interval to Every 2 days. Alternatively, you can set the shift to occur every
weekday (i.e., Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday).
Repeat Frequency:
When you set a shift to repeat on a Weekly basis, you can configure the week
interval of the shift, including the days of the week on which the shift should
occur. For example, the shift might occur every fifth week on Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday, so you would enter 5 in the text field and place a check
mark above Mon, Wed and Fri.
To change the number of weeks, either manually type a number into the text
field or use the up and down arrows to increase or decrease the value. To
indicate on which day(s) of the week the shift occurs, place a check mark in the
appropriate day’s checkbox.
Repeat Frequency:
When you set a shift to repeat on a Monthly basis, you can configure the shift
using two different options:
Specific Day: The shift can occur on a specific day of the month. For
example, the shift might occur every first day of the month.
General Day: The second option is to set the shift to occur on a general
day of the month. For example, the shift might occur every last Friday
of the month.
For both options, you can also set the month interval of the shift. For example,
the shift might occur on the first day of the month every six months.