Lincoln Electric IM8000 CHECKPOINT User Manual

Page 104

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Chapter 8. Summary Tab – Power Source Level


8.6 CheckPoint™




Serial Numbers

The Serial Numbers widget is only available when you have a single Welding Power Source selected in the
Asset Tree and displays the active ID numbers currently entered on the power source.

Figure 8.5 Serial Numbers

The following ID numbers appear in the widget:

ƒ Part SN: The number here represents the current part number entered on the Welding Power

Source. The part number comes from a variety of sources, depending if a person enters the
number in Power Wave® Manager manually or the information is transmitted automatically.

ƒ Operator ID: When an operator begins welding on a power source, his or her ID or badge

number is entered through Power Wave® Manager or another method. The number here
represents the current operator on the selected Welding Power Source.

ƒ Consumable Lot: The person who adds the consumable to the power source uses the Power

Wave® Manager software to tell the Welding Power Source how much and what type of wire
was loaded, including the lot number for the wire. In the Serial Numbers widget, the system
displays the number that was entered in Power Wave® Manager. (Please refer to the Power
Wave® Manager User Manual
for more details.)

If you use Lincoln Electric consumables, each Consumable Lot number shown is a link that takes
you directly to the certificate of conformance for the consumable in use (Figure 8.6).

Figure 8.6 Consumable Lot and Certificate of Conformance