Shift schedules – Lincoln Electric IM8000 CHECKPOINT User Manual

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Chapter 4. Managing CheckPoint™

Shift Schedules

4.8 CheckPoint™




Shift Schedules

To help you view the data from the Welding Power Sources in your company, CheckPoint™ provides you
with the ability to create a Shift Schedule in the application that matches your real production Shift
Schedule. When you generate reports, you often have the option to display welding data for a specific
shift—sometimes all the way down to the hour within the shift.

When you click the Shift Schedule tab (Figure 4.14), the system displays the list of shifts currently active in
CheckPoint™. The list displays some basic information about the shift such as the start and end time, and
how often the shift repeats.

Figure 4.14 Shift Schedule Tab


You can see more in-depth examples on the flexibility of

shifts in CheckPoint™ starting on page 4.13.

Next Production Day

The concept of “Next Production Day” in CheckPoint™ relates to a shift that crosses the midnight threshold
of a calendar day and the data generated during that time period. For the welds that were performed
during this type of shift, the system needs to know how you want to include that data on reports in relation
to dates. When you set up the shift schedule, there is a checkbox called Next Production Day that appears
when the time in the Company Time field crosses that midnight threshold. This checkbox controls how the
weld data appears on the reports.

For example, the first shift of the “production” day at United Engineering actually begins at 11:00 PM the
previous calendar day. Any welds that were performed during the part of the shift before midnight on
February 1 need to be included with the data collected after midnight on February 2 (i.e., the next
production day). With a check mark in the Events occurring during this shift should be assigned to the next
production day
checkbox on that first shift, if any users generate a report for February 2, those welds
performed from 11:00 PM to midnight on February 1 will also be included.

Alternatively, the third shift of the “production” day at Advanced Manufacturing actually ends at 7:00 AM
the next calendar day. Any welds that were performed during the part of the shift after midnight on
February 2 need to be included with the data collected before midnight on February 1 (i.e., the same
production day). With NO check mark in the Events occurring during this shift should be assigned to the
next production day
checkbox on that third shift, if any users generate a report for February 1, those welds
performed from midnight to 7:00 AM on February 2 will also be included.