Lincoln Electric IM8000 CHECKPOINT User Manual
Page 32

Chapter 2. Preparing for CheckPoint™
Enable CheckPoint™ for a Power Source
2.10 CheckPoint™
Manual IM8000
Save the Production Monitoring Installation Key File
Each individual power source has a unique installation key file. The system uses these files to register the
equipment in CheckPoint™. The steps below walk you through how to save the installation key file for the
Welding Power Source. Each Welding Power Source you add to CheckPoint™ needs its own key file.
Figure 2.3 Save an Installation Key File
On the Registration tab of Power Wave® Manager (Figure 2.3), simply click the Save Production Monitoring
Installation Key button and save the file on your computer or network. Close Power Wave® Manager when
It is recommended that you do not change the text in the
Power Source name field, especially after creating files from
the power source (e.g., training files or backups). Power
Wave® Manager uses the Power Source name to organize
and name weld training, backups, SnapShot files, weld logs,
calibration logs, and more. If you change a name, you will
have to find and load files manually.