Lincoln Electric IM8000 CHECKPOINT User Manual
Page 86

Chapter 6. Overview
Overview of Reports
CheckPoint™ User Manual
For example, in Figure 6.7, the Summary report on the Weld Listing tab shows the Start of Weld field
underlined. This means that there is a link to another report. Click this link to view the details of the
individual weld.
Consumable Lot column appears as a link, you can
click this link to display the Certificate of Conformance for
that material.
Sorting by Columns
CheckPoint™ automatically sorts the data in reports for you. If you would like to view the data in a
different order (e.g., by the starting time of weld or by the welder that performed the welds), you can
simply click the column header to reorder the data (Figure 6.8).
Figure 6.8 Click Column Header to Sort
When you click the header, the system displays an indicator arrow next to the header and changes the
background color of that column. The arrow indicates if you have sorted the data in ascending order ( )
or in descending order ( ).
Report Page Numbers
When all the data for a report cannot fit on a single page, CheckPoint™ displays a page navigator at the top
of the report (Figure 6.9).
Figure 6.9 Report Page Numbers