Lincoln Electric IM8000 CHECKPOINT User Manual

Page 55

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Shift Schedules

Chapter 4. Managing CheckPoint™

IM8000 CheckPoint™




Setting up the Night Shift

Finally, John sets up the Night Shift. John clicked New Shift and entered the following information in
the indicated fields to complete the details on the new shift:

ƒ Shift Name: Night Shift

ƒ Description: Night Shift

ƒ Company Time: From 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM

ƒ Next production day: Since this shift is part of the current production day, John leaves the

Events occurring during this shift should be assigned to the next production day checkbox empty.
See page 4.8 for more details on Next Production Day.

ƒ Start Date: The shift has no starting date.

ƒ End Date: The shift continues forever.

ƒ Repeat Frequency: Daily, Every 1 day

Once he completed this configuration, he clicked the Save button.

Shift Schedule Example – Two Alternating Shifts, No Weekends

United Engineering has two shifts that alternate between day shift and night shift every other week. In
addition, no one works on the weekends. They have named their shifts: Shift A and Shift B.

ƒ Shift A starts at 6:00 AM and ends at 6:00 PM the first week and starts at 6:00 PM and ends at

6:00 AM the next week.

ƒ Shift B starts at 6:00 PM and ends at 6:00 AM the first week and starts at 6:00 AM and ends at

6:00 PM the next week.

This requires Tom (the CheckPoint™ administrator user) to create two different shift configurations for each
shift in CheckPoint™.

Figure 4.17 Shift Schedule Example – Two Alternating Shifts, No Weekends