Lincoln Electric IM8000 CHECKPOINT User Manual

Page 138

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Chapter 11. Weld Listing Tab

Summary Report


CheckPoint™ User Manual


Figure 11.2 Criteria: Weld Listing – Summary Report

Table 11.1

Criteria Available on the Weld Listing – Summary Report



Start Date and
End Date

Select a date range in which the weld(s) were performed for the data you want to
review. Welds completed within this date range (that also meet all other criteria
you select) appear in the resulting report.


You can type the date into the field, or you can click the calendar icon (


next to the field to display an interactive calendar where you can click on the date
you want. Use the arrow icons ( and ) to navigate to previous or future
months. The double arrow icons ( and ) move forward and backward by
three-month intervals.

Weld Profile

You can generate the report for a specific Weld Profile used for the welds
performed during the date range selected. Remember, the Weld Profile must have
limits enabled in order for CheckPoint™ to display any data.

Part Serial

To generate a Summary report for all the welds associated with a specific part
number, enter that number in the Part Serial Number field.


The information generated by reports in CheckPoint™ display based on the

individual Welding Power Source or the Container of power sources you have
selected in the Asset Tree. If you would like to see all welds with this part
number that were made across several Welding Power Sources, be sure you have
selected a
Container and not just a single power source.